Safe Compounding of Hazardous Drugs Manual
As the didactic component of the ChemoTEQâ„¢ containment/aseptic technique verification exercise, The Safe Compounding of Hazardous Drugs Manual builds upon the knowledge and skills developed through the use of the VALITEQ aseptic technique training and validation program. The manual is designed to enhance awareness of special issues relevant to compounding hazardous drugs and reinforce the techniques required for the safety of operatives and the environment.
Topics covered include:
- Hazardous Drugs
- Engineering Controls, including a newly revised section on the use of barrier isolators
- Barrier Controls
- Special Procedures
- Waste Disposal
- Receiving, Storage, Administration, and Transport
- Spills, Exposures, and Injuries
Practice Subjects
The dexterity required to successfully manipulate ampules, reconstitute difficult powders, properly handle dispensing pin caps, and perform other critical skills requires practice. Our products provide operatives with realistic practice subjects by accurately simulating actual drugs. Available in packages of 12.
VM-10, Single Use Vials
VM-10A Ampules
VM20R Powders for Reconstitution
VM-30 Multi-dose Vials
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